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(Insights for Clinical Executives)


Enabling Clinical Leaders to Make Earlier, Better, Data-Driven Decisions

DataVIEWS Insights for Clinical Executives illuminates clinical study data with unparalleled simplicity, guiding informed decisions and steering clinical trials toward greater efficiency. 


DataVIEWS Insights for Clinical Executives is not a data management tool. It is an advanced data visualization platform that uses ADAM analysis-ready data to help clinical executives and C-suite personnel navigate the complexities of clinical trial data. It supports smarter, quicker, more efficient, data-driven decision-making. 


The TradeCraft team leverages the power of DataVIEWS Insights for Clinical Executives to reduce cycle times, improve data reviews, and deliver actionable insights to clinical executives when and where they need them. Now you can too!

Clinical Data Analysis

Check Out DataVIEWS

Powerful and timely insights and visualizations accelerate the journey from data to decision

DataVIEWS Insights for Clinical Executives significantly impacts safety, efficiency, and compliance across multiple common use cases:

  • Early Endpoint Insights: Accelerates the identification of trends and outcomes, enhancing decision-making.

  • Executive Reviews: Supports strategic go/no-go trial decisions with comprehensive visual analytics.

  • Support Safety Reviews: Analyze data and create meaningful sumaries to commuicate trial status to Safety Boards and other stakeholders.

  • CRO Data Delays and Costs: Streamlines vital data access, reducing overhead and speeding up processes.

  • DEI Analysis: Ensures trial demographic representation and equity, improving patient safety and regulatory compliance.


Our Applied Expertise is Your Advantage

Real-time Clinical Trial Metrics

Enabling and empowering decision-makers to make informed, data-driven decisions.

Early and Often Access

Streamlined access to data spans the clinical data lifecycle. 

Insight-Driven Communications

Improve communications with compelling data visualizations.

Download Our Brochure

Learn More About Our Statistical Programming and Biostatistics Services

We bring a wealth of experience to the table including programming, advanced analytics, clinical development, CDISC data standards and governance, and the complete data lifecycle.


We have experience in Phase I-IV clinical trials and are ready to help you meet your development milestones and goals.

Click on the image to the right to download the TradeCraft Digital Brochure.

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Would you like to schedule a DataVIEWS demo?

If you are planning a clinical trial, discover how DataVIEWS can unlock essential, actionable insights in your trial data, acclerating the journey from data to decision.

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